With the convenient locations, the facilities of easy operation, the national policy's advantages and the operation advantages in comparison to Hongkong, the bonded centre is known by more and more entreprises which get familiar with it and try to take advantage of it.
There are a large number of specific situations in different aspects for the great processing trade factories:
The material to purchaser is in great number and of various categories;
The suppliers are numerous and from differents parts of the world;
The delivery of the suppliers is not the same;
Most of the factories lack of logistic management experts, owing to the fact that they sacrifice all their time and efforts in the centre technology like research and production.
Buildings are mainly used for the production. In this case, there are not many buildings availables for the stocking of material;
Found the material warehouse in the bonded area can solve many problems:
1、It can reduce the storage of warehouse, make the operation easier, decrease the gestion's expenses
2、In this way, it's easy to operate the delivery of several suppliers efficiently.
3、It can also solve the problem of diaparate ways to entre the Customs of suppliers.
4、The factory purchase depending on the plan in ordre to make the management of warehouses efficient and delivery the goods in time.
5、Consign a third company to manage the logistic can solve efficiently problems like the warehousing, the management, the transportation, the dealing of goods of the Customs. In this way, they can pay more attention to the core technology to strengthen the competivities of the company.