first class freight forwarder agency with license approved by the Civil Aviation Administration of China. Registration capital is CNY 5,500,000.
We maintain good relationship with customs, Commodity Inspection, animal and plant inspection, cargo management, port loading and every main big ship company and airline company.
Our company’s service dept: sea freight dept, air freight dept, consolidation dept, customs brokerage dept, transportation and warehouse dept, sales dept, finance dept, customers service dept and etc.
We try to offer "Safe, Efficient, Accurate, cost saved and convenient" services. We take advantage of our professional experts and experienced operator, and provide you with high quality service at very competitive price. We stick to that every customer should receive equal and sincere service, also frank communication. In Zhengmao, no matter what the volume is your order, we will provide our best service to you.
We hope that by our efforts, our good service can be contributed to every customer. Based on reliable reputation, we will become your best cooperation partners. 公司拥有高素质管理人员,经验丰富的专业操作队伍,先进的业务系统。从报价、订舱、接载、报关、制单、提供二程和到港信息、货物追踪、签发海运和空运提单、及进口清关、提货、陆路运输均由专人专岗负责,与仓库、海关、国内外各代理公司之间各环节的衔接全部依靠快速的网络系统沟通。公司管理人员密切关注整体运作,时刻检查各环节是否符合操作规程,无论您的货物需要运到何地,您都能享有建良迅速、可靠、优质的服务。