«上一篇: 我们将一如既往,风雨无阻,日夜兼程,竭尽全力地把你的货物,安全运达指定国际地点。下一篇:CELAYA 塞拉亚海运 »


Lianyungang Haidi Logistics Co., Ltd., formerly Lianyungang Haidi Freight Forwarding Co.,Ltd., is a company specializing in international and domestic freight transport forwarding, industrial project development, business and trade consultation.
Since its establishment in 1996, the Company has made a good reputation among the clients and parties concerned with its quality service at a comparatively low cost. While maintaining fine relationships with relevant parties such as the Import and Export Commodities Inspection Bureau, the Customs-House, port container stations, and container loading and unloading companies, the Company takes as its priority that the clients enjoy the best service possible in terms of freight forwarding and distribution. The services being provided include, with the trust of the clients, customs declaration for imported and exported goods, inspection declaration, cargo cabin ordering, distribution, ship rental, storage, preparation of relevant documents, overland transport of containers and loose goods. To keep up with the demands of business, the Company is now equipped with computer-aided customs declaration system, computer-assisted document preparation system and all-route refrigeration container transport trucks.
Upholding the benefits of the clients, the Company strives to provide the best service at a most reasonable price and wishes to become a trust-worthy partner of yours.
Business negotiations are welcome. 港口介绍:
NHAVA SHEVA (那瓦舍瓦)是印度新型集装箱港口,为首都新德里等内陆点的卸货转运港口。NHAVA SHEVA港和孟买港事实上是同一个港区的不同港口的关系。孟买是印度第一大集装箱港口,由于孟买港口水深不足10米,不利于港口长久的发展,印度政府于1989年在孟买以南70公里处兴建了水深12~14米的尼赫鲁港,也就是现在大家习惯上称呼的“NHAVA SHEVA”港。
CHENNAI(钦奈)原名MADRAS马德拉斯,是印度第四大城市,面积128平方公里,人口1000万。它东临孟加拉湾,是印度最大的人工港,海、空、 铁路和公路交通均很方便,被称为印度南部的门户。它还是泰米尔纳杜邦的首府。CHENNAI常被称为“南印度门户”,与国际上以及印度国内其它地方的联系都很便捷。5条国道向外辐射,通往加尔各答、班加罗尔、Trichy, Tiruvallur和本地治里。







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