公司成立于1994年,先后与国内外一批知名航空公司签订了代理协议,是EMC、YML、HMM、KLINE等船东的指定订舱代理,已发展成为国内货运及物流行业中极具竞争力的集团性企业,被列入中国国际货运代理百强企业名单。公司拥有一支高素质的专业团队,构建了完善的海外代理网络,提供海运、空运进出口的租船订舱、报关、清关、检验申报、签发提单、办理保险、提货运输、国内转运、门到门服务以及商植检、熏蒸、保险、仓储等一条龙服务,并通过国际货运联网系统和电子商务网络平台进行操作,实现安全、便捷、高效、透明的海运、空运和国际多式联运,以专业化、系统化、规范化的服务,受到新老客户的广泛赞誉。Hansa’s initial business model was to offer freight to Europe. Over the years, we have expanded our services to include freight to a wide range of businesses, including USA and consolidation. Hansa satisfies the increasingly sophisticated needs of international trade through customized solutions and seamless, integrated information systems. We can quote each service independently or with all-inclusive rates, tailoring our quotes specifically to each customer’s needs.
At Hansa we pride ourselves on being a solutions-based organization and take time to understand each customer's individual business needs. As a non-asset based organization, we have considerable flexibility when managing customers' supply chains.
Hansa partners with over 20 steamship lines worldwide, and currently has access to hundreds of trade lanes in our existing contracts. Our relationships with the carriers help us to offer our clients competitive freight rates with superior customer service.
Making our customers happy is the core of our service. Our team is dedicated to providing prompt and reliable rate quotes, followed by timely, accurate documentation service.