Which part of Turkey do you provide consolidation services from and how often?
We provide consolidation services from Istanbul and Izmir every week. We are particularly proud of this offering because it is the only direct LCL service to the UK from Turkey by sea.
What is the difference between a commodity code and an EORI number?
When importing goods from Turkey, you will need both the commodity code and an EORI number. A commodity code is required to classify goods for import and export. You can find the correct commodity code by visiting this government website. Meanwhile, an EORI number is issued by HMRC. The UK customs authorities use the commodity code to identify the goods you want to import/export and the EORI number to identify your business.我们庞大的网络贯通各区域及各国主要城市,让我们提供高效的速递门到门服务,包括由紧急即日速递至非紧急经济服务。我们的专业团队致力使一切相关服务达致经济效益,并保证货件能快捷和顺利送抵目的地。